We have two beautiful cats with very even temperments. They spend most of their days laying around with the occasional wrestling match or cry for attention. Yesterday my feelings for Cali and Ella were not so positive.... My couch smelled of the most putrid urine and my nose kept telling me that I was missing something. My daughter Angel went into the bathroom to tinkle and there it was, a load of runny "ish" on the carpet and the tile. I was upset, to put it mildly. I am already a germ-a-phob and there was my baby girl only inches from squishing her bare little foot in the foul wastes of a cat. I got her out of there and immediately picked up both cats to put them in the laundry room, where their litter boxes reside. As I walked down the stairs my anger diminished nearly as quickly as it had sparked.... there was a closed laundry door. As you can imagine, checking that the kitty bathroom is available is now at the top the morning checklist, right next to making sure the coffee pot is off. Feces and Fire are imaportant things to avoid.