Happy Birthday Joey! Joey sported his seventh birthday with a mouthful of missing teeth. He recently lost his two front teeth giving him a great vampire look for the upcoming Halloween. Joey's party was a small get together at home. We invited many but few came. It was fun though. Joey had fun with Madison, Brenden, Davin, Stryder, and Angel. The kids especially loved the mini recorders from the pinata, (the parents, not so much).
This year Joey has been a busy boy. He participated in Summer Stars a great reading program. He had previously graduated from first grade where he had an amazing teacher Miss Cochrane! Now he is loving second grade with Miss. Layne.
Joey played soccer and basketball last year and hopes to participate in Basketball this year. He loves the Utah Jazz and can't wait until the games start. Joey's favorite snack right now is Zebra Cakes, which he brought to class on his birthday (thanks Gramma).
11 years ago