Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Day

Breakfast of Champions: Reese's Puffs, Pop Tarts, Nutty Buddies, Hot Chocolate, and Soy or Rice Milk.

The kiddos hung out, rocked out on the Wii, and played board games until about 11:30 when Clint came to pick up Joey and Angel for his family get-together.  Joey and Angel went sledding and exchanged presents with the Deckers.  Meanwhile I went to the School and Mandy's to grade some papers and watch Grey's Anatomy (which she is getting me hooked on - but making me start with season 1).  We got through 1 episode, a new seating chart and some grading while stopping periodically to run children around.  Cole, Cord, and some friends went sledding (don't worry, it was sunny and warm with a high of 13 degrees).

Dinner was Betos' chips, salsa and guac; which we enjoyed while watching Good Will Hunting until Mommy Mandy was wanted but unfortunately she was stuck in my driveway due to a snow (ice) hill under the car. It ended up she just needed a little push and was off.

Patrick and I hung out the rest of the night, relaxing.

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Peej-a-Potamus' Dance Class

Peej-a-Potamus' Dance Class